Filmed overthe course of four years, “Beirut Forever“ documents the lives of fourremarkable refugees navigating the complexities of life in Beirut, Lebanon.Thedocumentary follows their poignant journeys as they flee from their homes insearch of safety and a brighter future.
The film explores themes of resilience, identity, and the human spirit'sindomitable quest for hope. As the characters grapple with their realities,viewers witness the heart-wrenching struggles and inspiring triumphs of thosecaught in circumstances beyond their control.
Through intimate interviews and candid moments, “Beirut Forever“ offers a lensnot just on their pain but also on their dreams, aspirations, and the bondsthat inspire them to keep pushing forward. With the country serving both as asanctuary and a prison, this documentary invites audiences on a transformativejourney filled with empathy, compassion, and an urgent call for understanding.
My second feature, “Beirut Forever“, stands as a deeply personal exploration ofthe refugee journey, offering insights that resonate on both an emotional andintellectual level.
- Director Patrick H.Kohl about the production -
The film project is funded by the German Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. For enquiries about the film or screening/publishing opportunities after the festival season 2025 please write